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Showing posts from November, 2018

Thanksgiving Part 2

Hey lazy keto friends!! I made 2 more recipes for Thanksgiving yesterday, and I'd love to share them with you!! The first can be found  here.  It is Maria Emmerich's Keto Pumpkin Pie recipe. Now, as you follow me, I think that you will find that I am a huge fan of Maria Emmerich. Her recipes are generally unbeatable, and the research and science that she and her husband have put together to make the case for Keto is the most thorough and extensive that I've seen. However, I sometimes struggle with her black and white opinions on food. But that's besides the point! So some notes: I did change the recipe. I didn't have Stevia Glycerite on hand. Also, I think Swerve is generally disgusting. So I skipped the glycerite, and instead of the swerve, I used half monk fruit and half granulated stevia. I also didn't make it as a full pie. I hate huge things that I have to measure before eating. So I thought that since the pie was 12 servings, I would make 24 mini-muf

Keto Thanksgiving Part 1

I love Thanksgiving! It's pretty much my favorite holiday. I love it because Turkey is dirt cheap, so when my husband and I were poor and in college, I bought a lot of turkey and forced him to eat it. To be honest, the first few turkeys that I roasted were not that great. I had a hard time thawing them properly, cooking them all the way through without drying it all out...and I might have started the oven on fire at least once...okay twice...okay...possibly more than that. The point is, I learned how to cook an amazing turkey. It's so moist and delicious and cooks in about 3 hours! Thank you, Alton Brown!! (Recipe can be found  here. ) But this newfound talent for making a delicious Thanksgiving Day meal became an annual frustration as my husband's grandmother insisted each year that we gather into her crowded living room to pick over her dry, unseasoned turkey carcass. Blech. As a result, I started hosting Canadian Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on th

Introductions Are Fun!

Here's the deal. I'm fat. I say "chubby" because it kind of takes the edge off...but let's face it...when you can no longer shop on the "other side" of the clothing store or when your size comes with a $3 or $4 markup, you're fat. And it sucks. Pants don't fit right and people look at you funny when you approach the refreshments table at a baby shower. Have you ever heard that little kid's story where you squeeze the kid's cheeks while they say "Hi, my name is chubby! My mommy is chubby. My daddy is chubby. Even my dog is chubby! And when I smile, it looks like this" And then the kid tries to smile while you are still squeezing their cheeks and they look ridiculous and everyone laughs! Well, that's my life. My mother and father were both fat all through my growing up. My younger sister is fat. My brother is fat. I wasn't fat as a teenager, but as I grew into adulthood, pregnancy, stress, losses and time restraints...I